Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time Is Just A Number

This morning proved yet again that "on time" is not a place I frequent. In discussions with a friend over lunch, I heard the typical list of "______ better"s that one may associate with us awfully inconvenient late people. Of course they were all great points, and things I should do better, but do they really make the difference? What truly is the issue with people who struggle to meet time constraints?

I'd like to say I've pinpointed my problem and will now post all the answers to every lateness issue anyone has ever experienced.  I've heard it said that late people have control issues, and being late somehow exerts our control over the event or person we are to attend or meet. I am, yes, a self-admitted control addict--but even with an admitted problem I don't see the correlation. Wouldn't I consciously feel the control and thus enjoy being late? My mother always told me that lateness was synonymous with disrespect, and if I respected the event or the person or the obligation enough, I would be on time. I've been late to desperately needed job interviews. Important things to which I did not wish to arrive late. Favourite classes, favourite people--they have both suffered at the hand of my lateness. Nope. No disrespect here.

Time management. How well do I effectively evaluate the allotment I'm given and from that make quick decisions as to what can and cannot be done? Then it hit me. Decisions. I'm horribly indecisive, to a fault. The pressure of a "right now" decision makes my palms sweat just to think of it. How many mornings have I rushed into a class 15 minutes late, hot, embarrassed and frustrated because earlier that morning, I chose to spend an extra 15 minutes on my hair instead of rushing out the door? My morning choices reflect very strongly the nature of the rest of my day. And there are oh so many choices to be made:
7:00 AM: the alarm buzzes...snooze or wake up?
7:10 AM: it's the alarm again...just 15 more minutes.
7:30 AM: WAKE UP...let's see, can I get ready in under 30 minutes? Maybe if I choose my outfit from bed, I'll get dressed faster and I can sleep 5 more minutes.

These are legitimate thoughts that cross my mind each morning. So, we can say, when it boils down to it, "on time" is all about choice.The trick is to find the drive, discipline and motivation to make the right choices, and act on them.

1 comment:

  1. as your friend who tends to be late and is very indecisive, this post resonated w me. i would say more, but i'm w the nieces and the barbie version of the 3 musketeers is on...focus is waning
