Monday, March 10, 2014

Shake Off the Dust

Well here we are as a sort of "new year" resolution to resume the blogging. Funny thing about me and New Years - the thing to ask people is what they're resolving to do, right? It's what you do at the start of a New Year. Not this kid.

Now what's weird is I am not about to go off on a tangent about how I don't believe in resolutions or how silly holiday traditions can be. Quite the contrary. For the longest time people would ask me what my New Years Resolution was and I'd have no answer, and frankly I'd have no explanation for why.  It just wasn't a thing I did.  That made no sense to me and this year I decided that was a bogus answer.   Then, it dawned on me...

I like lists. I like to create them, complete them, reorganize them, re-prioritize them, rethink them, recheck them, you name it.  One of my favorite de-stressors is list making. It's how I tackle problems and how I break my goals down into something I can understand, control, and ultimately meet.  So making a resolution on a yearly basis is certainly not something tailored to my odd way of improving my life - because I make small resolutions all the time.  And, let's be real, a lot of those fail.  But I will also say it goes a long way to mix living impulsively with my 'gotta have a plan' mentality.  Something strikes me as interesting and I embrace that.  Let's make a plan to indulge, let's make a plan to get better at it, let's just try it one time, let's get a friend to join.  And now I'm training for a 10k that's in less than 4 weeks.  Am I ready? No.  Am I on track?  Not really.  But I am training.  And I am signed up.  And I am going to finish it.  It's freeing to make goals and just go for them without the pressure of 'what if I fail at this?'

There are so many things you do with what you're given.  And there are infinite numbers of them you'll never experience if you spend your whole life within your 'safe' box.

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